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Witnessing via Humor:

Finding Truth Through Comedy

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Modern Comedic Genius Jake Wallach

Jake's Friend Will Carpenter

When’s the last time you were having a bad day and a little ray of laughter shined upon your situation?



What does laughing at yourself DO?



Where does humor come from, anyway?



And what can it teach us about what it means to be a human being?




In this week’s class, Comedy Whiz Jake Wallach joins us as we explore how our everyday lives inform what we find funny. Also, vice versa: how does your sense of humor shape the kind of life you live?


We’ll explore ideas like agreeability, adaptability, and other guiding principles of humor, and how these principles can be a guiding light in major facets of life, including interpersonal relationships, your the work that you do, and your everyday mindset.


We’ll investigate how comedy can bridge cultural and personal divides, and you’ll leave this class with a laugh and a couple new ideas of how to play with comedy in your serious day-to-day life.

  • Thursday, June 11, 8:00-9:30pm US Eastern


  • Online, small-group workshop, via Zoom


  • Maximum 9 participants


  • You decide the cost — donate if you appreciate the workshop



Registration: Witnessing via Humor

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