Tea on the Bottom of the Sea
We all know what it’s like to hear
someone honestly share about their life,
about how they became who they are today.
It’s a powerful experience in itself.
In this relaxed and welcoming space,
some folks will do just that:
witness to their own lives.
First, somebody might tell a few jokes.
Then we’ll go over a few meanings
of the word “witnessing”:
Seeing your life as it happens
Remembering your story
Speaking your story
Hearing others speak their stories
So, if you attend, you’ll get some
ideas about meanings of “witnessing,”
about what makes witnessing a powerful thing,
and an idea about how to witness.
Most of all, you’ll have the chance
to share a bit of your story,
and to hear others share theirs.
This is an online class, so sadly
if you actually want tea,
you’ll have to make it yourself.
The nitty-gritty:
Tuesday, January 21,
8:00-9:30pm US Eastern
A free, online get-together,
conducted via the online video
meeting platform Zoom
No preparation necessary: as easy as downloading Zoom and joining when it happens
See (sea) for yourself!
Sign up here: